
Initial Consultation

The first consultation generally takes about an hour. The reason for this is two-fold. Firstly, because the homoeopathic approach perceives the patient as an individual rather than merely another ‘case’ of disease, the practitioner needs to record all the symptoms in great detail, paying particular heed to the patient’s state of mind and attitude. Secondly, the vast majority of patients are suffering from chronic problems. That is, they have long term, rather than short term symptoms. This makes it absolutely essential to take down a detailed history of the development of the patient’s disease.

After the first consultation the homoeopath assesses the symptoms, and prescribes what is judged to be the most appropriate medicine for the patient. Once this has been given, it is a matter of ‘waiting and seeing’ how the patient responds to their homoeopathic remedy. During this period of waiting, the patient may be asked to note down any changes in their symptoms.

The Follow-up Consultation

After four weeks or so a follow-up consultation is usually scheduled. As there is usually much less information to be recorded than at the first appointment, the follow-up generally takes about half an hour. The purpose of the second visit is to analyse and discuss the results of the first prescription. If the patient has responded favourably to the remedy, it is generally best to let the improvement unfold naturally, rather than to give any more doses of medicine. Normally, as treatment progresses the length of time between appointments increases.


Initial consultation: ​£70.00​ ​    

Follow-up: £50.00      

The cost of the medication is included in the consultation fee.In some cases however, it is common to send out a repeat prescription without the need of a formal consultation, and in these cases a small charge of £15.00 is made.